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K.C. Wong Education Foundation

Conference Sponsorship Programme​

Aiming at promoting exchange amongst scholars from around the world, the K. C. Wong Education Foundation Conference Sponsorship Programme offers support to Hong Kong's higher education institutions to invite scholars from Mainland to participate in international academic conferences held in Hong Kong.


Conferences must be organized by one of the Hong Kong universities, held in Hong Kong, and be related to the fields of engineering, medicine, science and/or technology. Faculty of Dentistry, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Science, and Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine are eligible at HKU.


​Completed cover memo, application forms and supporting documents should be submitted to the Mainland Affairs Office at 9/F, Knowles Building, by the deadlines listed below. 
September 22 (of the current year)
January to June (of the following year)
March 22 (of the current year)
July to December (of the current year)


  • The Foundation will consider each application on its merits.

  • Only conferences with physical attendance in Hong Kong will be considered.


Details of the K. C. Wong Education Foundation Conference Sponsorship Programme can be found via the following links:


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